God? Why did you make me so awesome? (jokes)


So. I haven't posted anything in the past few days. Or have I? Don't remember. Anyhow. My Kingdom hearts update is nothing really, haven't played for a few days. I was at a place called Why Not today. It's like a store for like alternative fashion or something like that. I found the most awesome piece of clothing there! A Dimmu Borgir thingie. And my dear(?) friend promised me it for my B-day! That is awesome. And just because I'm bored, y'all have to rate my awesomeness on a scale from one to ten! This should be intresting. And to add to my awesome-factor, I will post a poem I'm very proud of! It doesn't have a name, if you come up with a name that fits, please do tell. Well. Here it is. Enjoy. Or don't, it's your choice.

I grab my pen and feel it travel across the paper
It's forming letters that's forming words that's forming sentences
These sentences tells what my heart and mind are saying
And my heart and mind are telling me to kill you
So now I will

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