
So, this is a lyric I wrote for/about my ex girlfriend after she brutally ripped out and jumped on my heart. I was pissed. So it's like meant to be like a blackmetal-ish song. But I haven't written any music to it because of the simple reason that is I don't know how. I hope you like it.

You seemed
Like a nice girl
But that was
A deception
For all you did
Was hurt me
Over and over

You ought to be the spawn of satan
The very incarnation of evil
And as the sky stands in flames
You laugh
For this is your doing

All I ever did was to make you love me
But you left me

I loved you
You hurt me
Now the truth is here
And you are

When I found out
About you
My heart broke
But I'd bet
That was you plan all along

You ought to be the spawn of satan
The very incarnation of evil
And as the sky stands in flames
You laugh
For this is all your doing

I loved you
You hurt me
Now the truth is here
And you are

All I ever did was to make you love me
And I left you

Postat av: Kajsa

Asså du är så bäst på att skriva texter och dikter! :D

2010-08-13 @ 16:55:55
Postat av: ...

Kunde väl ha skickat ut det till nyheterna med så alla får en bild av att jag är en spya med...

just nu är jag besviken på dig som fan...

2010-08-22 @ 01:08:22

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