

So, I wrote another lyric yesterday (time: 00.55). It's called Neverland. I didn't write like I used to, at least I don't think so. My lyrics and stuff are often about love and/or lost love. One is even about the end of the world. So I decided to write something else and this is the result. A lyric about a parallell/different world where the laws of physics only partially apply as we know them. Or something like that anyway. Please comment and tell me what I may or may not need to work on. Thank you.

There's a world of the free
Deep down under the trees
Controlled only with the power of dreams

And the world is filled with magic and might
Faries and elves
Dragon and kingdoms

I keep falling down
Never seeming to stop
Even the clouds won't catch me
They know I don't belong

I fly to the borders of neverland
Discovering brand new creatures
Water falling upside down
And the wind playing Mozart

The raindrops are singing
And the flowers are dancing
The treetrunks are turning
And the creatires are laughing

So if you see me around
Please do say hi
If I don't see anyone soon
I just might die


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