Vampires Suck doesn't suck!


Just got home. Was at the movies with a pal. We saw Vampires Suck. It. Was. Hilarious! Freaky but fun. Some parts of the film was a bit scary (not as in a horror film. just like in the way of "Omg... What the f*ck is this s*it!?") at some parts. But you really should go see it. And once again! Kingdom Hearts II update! I completed the game this morning and started over! Going back to the movie thingie. The pal I went with is called Sofie (pronounced swedishly of course (Haha! You can't complain that I never mention you no more!)). And as we said goodbye, to avoid awkvardness, she got a semi anthustiatic, one armed hug and a thumb up when she suggested we should do something next week. I'm so gonna get in trouble when she reads this. I just had to share that with the world. I won't upload a poem or lyric today. I just don't want to. I'm lazy and tired. Well ladies and gentlemen. That's all I have time for. The time is 00.44 this sunday morning and this is Anton saying: Good night internet!

Postat av: sofie

Den filmen ägde :D:D vi kan se den en gång till bara för att den är så jävla kul?? 8D

fast egentligen, nästa bio vi skulle se va trollkarlens lärling va? ;D

2010-08-29 @ 15:49:43
Postat av: sofiie

?? :O vad är det här?!! (jaa, jag tänker inte kommentera på engelska och ja, jag vet att jag är lite seg och att de tog mig en månad att fatta vad du skrev) Ursäkta att jag älskar att KRAMAS! du ska få sååå stryk ;D

2010-10-23 @ 11:45:36

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