What the hell's wrong with some people!?


So, I chatted with a buddy of mine(or former buddy, don't know) and she wrote "hi..." so I asked "something happened?" and she's like "the hell do you care?" and I'm like "what the hell's that supposed to mean?" and so forth. I'm pissed! What the hell happened damnit!? I don't understand! There's much I don't understand but anyways... *random cricket noise* ...What am I supposed to do now? No, wait, ignore that. Not the whole post up to this point, only the previous sentence. Ok. Let's say this instead. I don't get girls! They're irrational! And they don't burp... That's the worst part. They. Don't. Burp! No, jokes. So. That covers that. Next topic. Kingdom Hearts II update! Yay. I know you've been waiting for this. I have reached lvl 37 if I remember correctly. I still use the Star Seeker. In valor I also use Oathkeeper and in master I use some keyblade I forgot what it's called. I am now to complete Agrabah. And then to move on to The Nightmare Before X-mas. The worlds I've completed so far is Mulan, Beauty and the Beast and Pirates of the Caribbean. And that concludes that. Oh, yes. And my mom says she and I are gonna have a little talk 'bout birds and bees. That's so not gonna happen. I just had to share that with the world. And I'm out of things to say. Well good bye to y'all and please do comment. Please. I get lonely up here waiting for prince charming to save me. (joking. waaay joking)

Postat av: Mamma

Det är bra att du minns vår planering! Vi ses den 17:e men hinner förstås med telefonsamtal innan dess... =)

2010-08-25 @ 22:11:32
Postat av: hubbe

Naaaaaaaaaaw mamma kommentera !!:D:D:D:D:D:D:

2010-08-31 @ 16:27:33
Postat av: sofiie

I BURP!!! :O but im not female, im a shemale ;D

2010-10-23 @ 12:07:42

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