

So. I've spent last night and the whole of today (starting when I got home, minus the time it took to eat) writing this. I'm not gonna write so much here, just the lyric. Enjoy.

I feel it chasing me
Down the dark alleys of the night
It's coming after me
Please let the sun rise or I might

Get beheaded
Sliced into pieces
Eaten dead
Or alive

Yeah, there's a monster after me
I can hear it breathing
It's closing in
This'll probably be the end...

I run for my life
It almost got me
I know I'm gonna die
Why don't I just give in?

Yeah, there's a monster after me
I can hear it breathing
It's closing in
This'll probably be the end...

Yeah, there's a monster after me
I can hear it breathing
It's closing in
This'll probably be the end...

The monster's gonna get me (x 6)

God? Why did you make me so awesome? (jokes)


So. I haven't posted anything in the past few days. Or have I? Don't remember. Anyhow. My Kingdom hearts update is nothing really, haven't played for a few days. I was at a place called Why Not today. It's like a store for like alternative fashion or something like that. I found the most awesome piece of clothing there! A Dimmu Borgir thingie. And my dear(?) friend promised me it for my B-day! That is awesome. And just because I'm bored, y'all have to rate my awesomeness on a scale from one to ten! This should be intresting. And to add to my awesome-factor, I will post a poem I'm very proud of! It doesn't have a name, if you come up with a name that fits, please do tell. Well. Here it is. Enjoy. Or don't, it's your choice.

I grab my pen and feel it travel across the paper
It's forming letters that's forming words that's forming sentences
These sentences tells what my heart and mind are saying
And my heart and mind are telling me to kill you
So now I will

Vampires Suck doesn't suck!


Just got home. Was at the movies with a pal. We saw Vampires Suck. It. Was. Hilarious! Freaky but fun. Some parts of the film was a bit scary (not as in a horror film. just like in the way of "Omg... What the f*ck is this s*it!?") at some parts. But you really should go see it. And once again! Kingdom Hearts II update! I completed the game this morning and started over! Going back to the movie thingie. The pal I went with is called Sofie (pronounced swedishly of course (Haha! You can't complain that I never mention you no more!)). And as we said goodbye, to avoid awkvardness, she got a semi anthustiatic, one armed hug and a thumb up when she suggested we should do something next week. I'm so gonna get in trouble when she reads this. I just had to share that with the world. I won't upload a poem or lyric today. I just don't want to. I'm lazy and tired. Well ladies and gentlemen. That's all I have time for. The time is 00.44 this sunday morning and this is Anton saying: Good night internet!



I'm sick. Yay me! My head hurts, my throat hurts(not so myck anymore but anyways..) and I'm sweating. A lot. And I have played a lot of KHII today. I'm so proud of me. I've completed every disney world in the game except for the lion king, almost done, and I can go to The World That Never Was. I'm so happy! And I can't write anything else! Byee



So. I wrote this poem a few minutes ago. It's probably not my best effort, but I am proud of it whatsoever. Again, it's 'bout love. Like almost everything I've ever written. Anyhow, enjoy and please comment!

I gaze upon you
That hair that is you
Tha smile that is you
The eyes that are you

And as I look to you
My heart races
My blood pumps
And my face gets flushed

You approach me
Only to break my heart
Now when I see you
My face gets flushed
Not with love, no
But with fury

What the hell's wrong with some people!?


So, I chatted with a buddy of mine(or former buddy, don't know) and she wrote "hi..." so I asked "something happened?" and she's like "the hell do you care?" and I'm like "what the hell's that supposed to mean?" and so forth. I'm pissed! What the hell happened damnit!? I don't understand! There's much I don't understand but anyways... *random cricket noise* ...What am I supposed to do now? No, wait, ignore that. Not the whole post up to this point, only the previous sentence. Ok. Let's say this instead. I don't get girls! They're irrational! And they don't burp... That's the worst part. They. Don't. Burp! No, jokes. So. That covers that. Next topic. Kingdom Hearts II update! Yay. I know you've been waiting for this. I have reached lvl 37 if I remember correctly. I still use the Star Seeker. In valor I also use Oathkeeper and in master I use some keyblade I forgot what it's called. I am now to complete Agrabah. And then to move on to The Nightmare Before X-mas. The worlds I've completed so far is Mulan, Beauty and the Beast and Pirates of the Caribbean. And that concludes that. Oh, yes. And my mom says she and I are gonna have a little talk 'bout birds and bees. That's so not gonna happen. I just had to share that with the world. And I'm out of things to say. Well good bye to y'all and please do comment. Please. I get lonely up here waiting for prince charming to save me. (joking. waaay joking)


The day's saturday the 21st of august 2010. My name is Anton and I will be humoring you for a few seconds until you have read through the whole post. At this very moment I listen to Skillet, chat with a friend of mine and miss my special someone (if you read this special someone, I ♥ you!). And as the 'name' of the post says I am sorry. Why am I sorry? Because I've been to busy playing Kingdom Hearts II (check it out, it's awesome!) to post anything. I've had the game since last tuesday I think. And I've been to Trons world already. Spoiler alert!: I'm pretty sure I get to beat up Demyx pretty soon. You know, Organization XIII's nr IX? He's the weakest of them all and he fights with water. Pretty easy really, I hope anyway. Oh, and I have one of my favorite Keyblades now! Oathkeeper! I equipped Oathkeeper to Master form I think. Or Valor form. In just basic form I use Star Seeker. Since I mostly fight in the air if possible. Star Seeker gives an extra hit in combo. Additional to that I have a thingy that gives me a relatively powerful (and pretty awesome looking) combo finish in the air. Getting back to keyblades. My absolute favorite keyblade is Bond of Flame. It's awesome. Then it's Oblivion, then Oathkeeper, then Star seeker. And I know I've been writing about Kingdom Hearts for pretty much the whole post and I did say I would humor you. I guess I was wrong, huh? Well, that's all for now. Have a good day folks!

Some things just never change do they?

First day ninth grade finally over. Boooring! I have to go tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. And class doesn't even start until thursday! Pisses me off. And this year I'll have to study real hard if I want to get into a good highschool and stuff. Troublesome!

Can't make myself write anything else. I'll be seeing you!



So, I wrote another lyric yesterday (time: 00.55). It's called Neverland. I didn't write like I used to, at least I don't think so. My lyrics and stuff are often about love and/or lost love. One is even about the end of the world. So I decided to write something else and this is the result. A lyric about a parallell/different world where the laws of physics only partially apply as we know them. Or something like that anyway. Please comment and tell me what I may or may not need to work on. Thank you.

There's a world of the free
Deep down under the trees
Controlled only with the power of dreams

And the world is filled with magic and might
Faries and elves
Dragon and kingdoms

I keep falling down
Never seeming to stop
Even the clouds won't catch me
They know I don't belong

I fly to the borders of neverland
Discovering brand new creatures
Water falling upside down
And the wind playing Mozart

The raindrops are singing
And the flowers are dancing
The treetrunks are turning
And the creatires are laughing

So if you see me around
Please do say hi
If I don't see anyone soon
I just might die


So, this is a lyric I wrote for/about my ex girlfriend after she brutally ripped out and jumped on my heart. I was pissed. So it's like meant to be like a blackmetal-ish song. But I haven't written any music to it because of the simple reason that is I don't know how. I hope you like it.

You seemed
Like a nice girl
But that was
A deception
For all you did
Was hurt me
Over and over

You ought to be the spawn of satan
The very incarnation of evil
And as the sky stands in flames
You laugh
For this is your doing

All I ever did was to make you love me
But you left me

I loved you
You hurt me
Now the truth is here
And you are

When I found out
About you
My heart broke
But I'd bet
That was you plan all along

You ought to be the spawn of satan
The very incarnation of evil
And as the sky stands in flames
You laugh
For this is all your doing

I loved you
You hurt me
Now the truth is here
And you are

All I ever did was to make you love me
And I left you

First post


First post in this blogg. This is me. I'm Anton Jigblad. Here I'll post like texts I write, like poems and lyrics and such. Yeah, I write, I enjoy writing, live with it. I have a couple of lyrics and poems already but I'll wait a while posting them. At least until the next time. Now I'll tell some stuff about me that you may or may not want to know, but hey, if you don't want to know, don't read it.

Name: Anton Jigblad
Country of origin: Sweden
Age: Right at this moment 14. I turn 15 relatively soon. Was born in october 1995 so.
Nickname: None. Except for maybe this one person. Make that two.
Parents: Yes. Both alive, and divorced.
Siblings: Yes, a younger brother. However, if my mom marries her BF I'll have a younger sister and another younger brother.
Hair color (completely unnessesary, I know): Reddish brown I think, not really sure anymore.
Girlfriend: Nope, none that I know of anyway.
Tattos/piercings: None, I do want a tattoo though. Some day.
Height: Last time I checked, 175,5 cm.
Annoyance level: Of the charts.
Taste in music: Metal. Blackmetal, heavymetal, powermetal, you name it.
Favorite film: Zombieland, no questions asked. It's great. Really is.
Favorite band: Do not know really. My Chemical Romance perhaps, or Bullet For My Valentine. Or something like that, Green Day I like a lot also. And Paramore. (And I can say, without lying, that the reason I like them might be the lead singer. She is pretty.)
Favorite song: Green Day - Good Riddance (time of your life), My Chemical Romance - Welcome to The Black Parade, Paramore - Crushcrushcrush, Slipknot - Left Behind, Utada Hikaru - Sanctuary, Bullet For My Valentine - Breaking Out, Breaking Down, Lostprophets - It's Not The End Of The World But I Can See It From Here. And others.
Favorite person: The girl that I kind of like.
Favorite object: Probably my computer of my cell phone.
Favorite shoes: Converse in my heart ♥
Favorite shop: Shock ( they have the coolest stuff.
Favorite game: Kingdom Hearts 2
Favorite person in favorite game: Sora or maybe Axel.(Kairi ♥ .....Joke.....)
Favorite gaming console: Probably nintendo wii, not sure.
Coolest gametrailer you saw: Shaun White Skateboarding. It. Was. Awesome. Probably gonna buy that game for wii.
Best TV-show: Heroes or Star Trek.
Dork?: Positive
Favorite quote: Veni, Vidi, Vici - Julius Caecar, It's time to nut up or shut up! - Tallahasse-Zomieland
Favorite sport: I hate sports!
Something I really hate: Sports, certain people
Something I really love: Music, certain people

Well folks. That's probably all for now. I will be seeing you.

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